Saturday, January 22, 2011

Stuck in Kathmandu

We have been stuck for 5 days in Kathmandu waiting for weather that allows us to fly to Lukla.  To land at the airstrip in Lukla there needs to be clear weather, and for the past 5 days it has been too cloudy there for us to land.  Each morning we get a wake up call at 6, eat a hurried breakfast, go to the airport where we check our luggage, and then sit around in the departure lounge until around 1:00 PM when the airline cancels the flight.   After being on this same routine for the past 5 days, Ann and I feel a bit like the Bill Murray character in the movie "Ground Hog Day" where he keeps having to relive the same day over and over. 

To entertain ourselves we have gone shopping for gifts, and read a lot.  Today we went to a rock climbing gym where we taught basic climbing to several of the Sherpa students who are also stuck here in Kathmandu  trying to get to the climbing school.

Ann experiencing positive vibrations from the Buddha bowl

Sherpa students on Kathmandu climbing wall

Hopefully we will have better luck tomorrow and not just a repeat of the same fire drill!

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